We currently offer a worship service at 10:30 a.m.
Our 10:30 a.m. Worship is a blended service. It features a Children’s Sermon, live music and singing, Communion, Scripture readings and a sermon. Also during this service, we feature an opportunity for children ages 4 years old to 2nd grade to have their own worship experience in Kid’s Worship with our Children’s Minister, Natalie Hardin. There is always a nursery provided for infants through 3 year olds.
Communion is offered at all services each week, and is featured as the central part of this service.
To watch Sunday’s Sermon CLICK HERE, to watch Sunday’s Special Music CLICK HERE. Our worship services are also available on our Facebook page.
We are located at 402 E. Noble in Guthrie, Ok. 73044 / Contact us by phone at (405) 282-4080
Weekly Church Events
Adult Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.
Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.
Youth Group – Noon – 1 p.m. on Sunday.
Mother’s Day Out – 8:30 a.m. – 2:50 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday for ages 6 months to pre-k. Must be enrolled to attend.
Kidventure – 3:30 – 5 p.m. on Wednesdays for ages 5 years old to 6th grade. (Sept. – March, enrollment required.)
Monthly Meetings
Elder’s – 6 p.m. – second Wednesday
Ministry Teams (Christian Education, Christian Outreach, Connections, Property, Stewardship and Worship) meet on a variety of schedules each month. See the monthly calendar for details.