Connect With Others: Oklahoma Disc. Women / Disc. Home Missions
Pick up a Blessing Box for your family on Sunday! This box can be placed in your home and you will find the joy of celebrating blessings as you place coins in it every time you recognize a blessing in your life, your home, your workplace, at school or with friends! Fill it up and bring it back on May 13!
Amazing! Fun! Active! Creative! Just a few of the ways we describe our Disciple Women!
Disciple Women Group!
Our Disciple Women group is open to all women of the church and is one of our most active groups in the church. From hosting dinners to monthly meetings and fun outings to Lyric Theatre the Women are a thriving part of FCC. The group holds monthly meetings at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesdays from September-May. At the meetings, women enjoy a time of fellowship, a study presentation and updates on all the activities going on with the group.
The Disciple Women believe strongly in service above self. As a result they give monthly donations to various projects including: Blanket Sunday, Guthrie Upper Elementary School for Teacher Supplies, Heifer Project, Local Food Banks, Central Christian Camp and other projects as determined by the group.
The Disciple Women are a big part of the “Behind the Scenes” crew that help with meals at the church. One of their major contributions is hosting Bereavement Dinners for families who have recently lost loved ones. Judy Coburn and Pat Ball lead a dedicated team of more than 25 women who respond on a moment’s notice to the need for meals for families ranging in size from a dozen people to 150.
Join us!
There is always plenty going on with the Disciple Women. For more information, contact our leadership team of Jane Weeks, Margaret Hixon, June Patrick and Judy Coburn, or staff member Karen Allen. Also check out the event’s calendar to see what’s happening in Disciple Women.
Disciple Women’s Opening Prayer
Unto You, O God, we give thanks
And lift our hearts in prayer.
May your presence be with us and your love
Surround us, as we work together
As women of faith
Open our eyes to the needs of the world
And fill our hearts with concern for all people
Guide us that we may truly serve you.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Disciple Women’s Benediction
God, be merciful unto us and bless us;
And cause Your face to shine upon us;
That your way may be known upon the earth,
Your saving health among all nations,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.